San Diego Electrician Blog - Page 6 of 40 - CLD Electric - San Diego

Is there a difference between a fuse and a circuit breaker?

One way to use electricity in your home safely is with fuses or circuit breakers. They help prevent an overload that may, otherwise, harm your electrical grid. However, the dilemma begins when you struggle to decide between both. Are they the same thing? Is one better than the other? In this article, we’ll help you […]

Should I be Worried About Outlets That Don’t Work?

Not many people know what’s behind an outlet, so it’s normal to experience puzzling confusion when an outlet stops working. A broken outlet is a common problem in many homes and can happen to anyone, it should not be a cause for alarm. The good news is that the problems can sometimes be diagnosed and […]

Why is My Utility Bill So High?

High electricity bills can be startling and may leave you genuinely confused. Trying to figure out why your bills are so high may be a hangup, so we’ve written this article to show you a few reasons why your utility bills may be high. Let’s get on to it! Possible Reasons for a High Utility […]

Why Do My Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping?

Have you ever been in the middle of an interesting movie and suddenly you perceive the smell of burned wires shortly before the lights go out? That’s most likely your circuit breaker tripping off and calling your attention to it. So, what are the likely reasons why your circuit breakers unexpectedly trip off? Today’s article […]